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Rewards & Recognition

Stop At Nothing To Make Work Rewarding

Get the game-changing system of rewards & recognition and foster a strong recognition culture that makes rewarding engaging, powerful and oh-so easy!

Rewards and Recognition DarwinBox

Darwinbox recognized on the 2024 Gartner Voice of Customer Report for Cloud HCM Suites for 1,000+ Employee Enterprises

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Recognitions done everyday for the entire cycle

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170 Million+

Employee Pulse responses submitted till date

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Aarti Industries Limited logo

Darwinbox helped us simplify & automate the employee R&R experience and worked with us to drive hockey-stick adoption across the entire work-force.

Manoj Sharma - CHRO Aarti Industries Limited
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Manoj Sharma


quotation icon blue small

Darwinbox helped us simplify & automate the employee RnR experience and worked with us to drive hockey-stick adoption across the entire work-force.

Manoj Sharma - CHRO Aarti Industries Limited

Manoj Sharma


Aarti Industries Limited logo
Fall In Love With
The Culture Of Recognition
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To The ‘T’

Create custom programs, badges and banners for a personalized experience that resonates with your brand. Complete control and visibility over budgets and limits.

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Experience hockey-stick employee adoption with a mobile-first approach, gamified leaderboards, connection with org social networks, and omni-channel notifications.

Abundant rewards icon


Make recognitions special with redemption options ranging from 1500+ retailers across 55+ countries. Sync internal rewards with payroll, benefits and leaves.

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Fall In Love With The Culture Of Recognition
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Configurable To The ‘T’

Create custom programs, badges and banners for a personalized experience that resonates with your brand. Complete control and visibility over budgets and limits.

Adoption icon

Unparalleled Adoption

Experience hockey-stick employee adoption with a mobile-first approach, gamified leaderboards, connection with org social networks, and omni-channel notifications.

Abundant rewards icon

Abundant Rewards

Make recognitions special with redemptions options ranging from 1500+ retailers across 55+ countries. Sync internal rewards with payroll, benefits and leaves.

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Launch fast and configure smart

Create completely customizable recognition programs and personalize them with a flavour that is unique to your organization.

Flexibility that allows creating programs for employees based on band, location, etc. Custom badges & banners that make every program personal and exciting.
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While admin roles set-up & track progress of rewards programs at an org level, let managers see the success of certain rewards programs in their scope of the org.
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Reduce the finance friction

Stay in control by planning and moderating the budgets per program with automated budget allocation, prorated budget allotment and more.

Allocate predefined budgets geography-wise, the amount to be given and specify the person you wish to allocate the budget to.
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Cockpit controls to limit the number of recognitions, number of points per recognition, and number of active programs per user to ensure authenticity.
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Report on the budget and spend to track progress of the reward programs in one-view which covers all the facets of the budget allocation & spend history.
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Celebrate wins, big and small

Successfully foster a culture of recognition within your organization and empower your employees to celebrate personal and team victories.

Localize your programs for teams and locations to incept a culture of true peer recognition.
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Facilitate 360° R&R with custom approval flows where anyone can recognize an individual’s efforts.
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Build a deeper connection with your employees by automating rewards for special occasions like anniversaries, birthdays etc.
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Make recognition second nature for your tribe

Weave recognition in your people’s flow of work by bringing it on their mobile devices and enabling instant social gratification.

Inspire togetherness with gamified badges, and competitive leaderboards and updates on org Social Network – Vibe.
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With an all-in-one mobile app, notifications on email, whatsapp, slack and teams – seamlessly integrate your programs with the employee workflow.
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Easy recognition, easier redemption

Make rewards redemption fun, engaging and powerful. Choose from a wide variety of redemption vendors while ensuring a tight-knit integration with your other systems.

Redeem locally or globally with a marketplace that encompasses over 1500 vendors across 55 countries with a diverse range of offerings.
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Tight integrations with other HRMS modules to unlock out-of-the-box workflows which enable leaves or cash as redemption rewards.
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Darwin Insights

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Case study

Creating A Happy Tribe At Aarti Industries

Here’s how Aarti Industries championed a culture of recognition with a winning digital rewards strategy across employees of all cadres – corporate to contractors across their facilities.


Authored by

Unmesh Lamture

Ebook icon


The Ultimate Guide To Building A Successful Rewards Program

Answer your questions on how to build a culture of recognition, how to make rewards relevant for today’s employees and case studies on the most successful reward programs we have seen.


Authored by

Unmesh Lamture

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Darwinbox’s Truly Integrated RnR Platform

Make recognition second nature for your teams using Darwinbox’s integrated RnR platform – Configure, Launch, Reward and Redeem from one single platform. Yes, it’s that simple! 



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The Rewards & Recognition Starter Kit

To help you create a winning culture at your org and promote your organisational values, here are a few program templates that are easy to set up, interactive, and fit any team size!


Authored by

Unmesh Lamture

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20 Rewards & Recognition Ideas Your Employees Will Love

Gestures of employee recognition, no mater how small or big, go a long way. Get started with easy-to-implement RnR ideas which can help you create a great place for people to work at. 


Authored by

Unmesh Lamture

Case Study icon


Creating An Interactive RnR Program At InCred

Here’s how InCred developed an interactive RnR Program for its 700+ hybrid workforce in order to increase employee engagement and productivity with Darwinbox’s comprehensive RnR Platform.


Authored by

Unmesh Lamture

Celebrate Wins, Big And Small With Darwinbox

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